Tuesday, 8 April 2025

Ab 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and Coffee
9:00–10:30 Room TUtheSky: Session 4: Industrial Retrofit
Chair: Martin Huber | Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich
RENVELOPE – Energy adaptive shell. All-in-one solution for industrial retrofit and integrated energy supply
Johannes Neubauer, Florine Leighton | AEE Intec Gleisdorf
MasSan: Feasibility study of industrial retrofit concepts and models in Austria
Ulla Unzeitig | Renowave.at Wien
Innovative, recyclable transformation of buildings and neighbourhoods demonstrated with five real estates of the not-for-profit housing association GESIBA in the 10th district of Vienna
Jutta Wörtl-Gössler, Uli Machold | RfM Räume für Menschen Wien
10:30–11:00: Coffee Break
11:00–12:30 Room TUtheSky: Session 5: Passive Design- and Builing Operation Strategies
Chair: Runa Hellwig | TU Berlin
Intermediate spaces: Climate perception and control
Claudi Aguiló Aran | DATAAE Barcelona
Atria & solar chimneys
Quantified measured air-exchange rates as new design basis for planning for night ventilation concepts (Ventilative Cooling)
Markus Winkler | Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
12:30–13:30: Lunch Break
13:30–15:30 Room TUtheSky: Session 6: Participation und Development of Neighbourhoods
Moderation: Johannes Kislinger | ah3 architekten Horn
Smart mainstreaming – Demonstration of the multiplicability of participative processes in standard residential construction
Anna Fulterer | AEE Intec Gleisdorf
“Baugruppe” format for successful integration [of future tenants]. Self-building supports situatedness and use of recyclable materials.
Uli Machold, Jutta Wörtl-Gössler | RfM Räume für Menschen Wien
Optimise use of existing stock: Strategies for transforming single-family housing areas into sustainable residential neighbourhoods
Katharina Bäuerle | Energieinstitut Vorarlberg
Quartier Autopalast [car palace] – Adaptive reuse of a multystorey car park
Laura Farmwald | Smartvoll Architekten Wien
13:30–15:30 Seminar Room BA 10A: Workshop 4: [Titel]
Chair: Michaela Smertnig | Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich
15:30–16:00: Coffee Break
16:00–18:00 Room TUtheSky: : Workshop 5: [Titel]
Chair: NN | NN
16:00–18:00 Seminar Room BA 10A: Workshop 6: Round Table RENOINVEST
Chair: Susanne Formanek | RENOWAVE.at

Programme subject to changes!